Trilogy Finance Teams Challenge (Eleventh Round)

02 November 2024

These are the scores in the Trident Finance Teams Challenge after the eleventh round.  The teams are named after the person at the top of each team list. 
    1. Pilgrim 1081
    2. Dale 1067
    3. Fleming 991
    4. Jervies 925
    5. Holcroft 900
    6. McMaster 861
    7. Oscar 826
    8. O'Brien 746
    9. Dominelli 720
    10. Willman 642

Melbourne Cup Day - Orange Tees

31 October 2024

Stableford - Orange Tees, Tuesday, November 5th. Morning and afternoon tee times  Bookings via the OneGolf app or website or by calling Riverside on (03) 5023 4255

Sandilong Creek - Low Water Level

21 October 2024

Sandilong Creek is the creek that runs through the golf course. Mallee CMA and the golf club wotk together to manage Sandilong Creek and monitor water levels. Prior to the installation of locks and weirs in the Murray River, water levels in the creeks and wetlands connect to the river would vary naturally.  Fluctuating water levels create a happy, healthy habitat for wetland soils and for different plants to grow and animals to thrive,  During 2024/25 Sandilong Creek requires an extended period of drawdown to help manage the creek. There are more details available on the club notice board as you enter the club house.

Upcoming Events

14 October 2024

The following is a list of our upcoming Golf Days. These events may involve closing the course for a period of time. Full details will be made available as they become available. The bookings sheets for these days will refelct the closures.

  • Friday 6th Dec 2024                       Elders Golf Day – Shotgun start @ 7.00am. Course Closed until 12.30

District Veterans

11 October 2024

District Veterans Golf is being played at Riverside Golf club on Monday 11th November.  This being the case the course will be closed until 1.30pm. If you require further information you can contact the club on (03) 5023 4255.